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About Us

Eugene Field sign

Eugene Field was built in 1935 and opened its doors to students in 1936. It primarily served as a neighborhood elementary school until its closure in 2005. The years since its closure, the facility served many different purposes. In 2010, the Unit 5 Vocational Training Center was opened and in 2013 the 18-22 Transition Program opened. Eugene Field has continued to grow and thrive and now serves approximately 50 students with a diverse range of abilities. 

Mission Statement

The Eugene Field Transition Program prepares young adults with disabilities, ages 18-22, for post-secondary success and independence. Using a family-centered community-based approach, essential skills are developed in the areas of education/training, employment, independent living, and community participation. Students gain the confidence to make their own decisions, take personal responsibility for their actions, and gain awareness of their strengths and interests.